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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  November 12, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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the foundations and our team ran in a tower to tunnel road a few years back and you can find out more information on the web, it is a great cause. thank you for watching. "studio b" with shepard smith starts right now. >>shepard: thanks, shannon. the news begins anew on "studio b". general petraeus says he had an affair with this woman, his biographer and now sources are telling fox news classified documents were found on her computer. we will get into the details on that and two weeks after hurricane sandy slammed the coast, new donations are pouring in including volunteer whose took the train from louisiana. they say they know a thing or two about storm damage in the wake of katrina and isaac. allowed and deadly -- a loud,
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deadly explosion rocked an indianapolis neighborhood over the weekend. investigators are trying to figure out how it happened. that is all ahead on "studio b" but first, the bombshell resignation of the c.i.a. director, general petraeus, blind sided members of congress. high ranking lawmakers are asking why they had no heads-up. the c.i.a. chief stepped down on friday after investigator say they found out about the affair with his biographer and a short timing a, fox confirmed the investigators found classified information on her computer but there wassing in to indicate general petraeus was the source, sources tell fox the f.b.i. uncovered the relationship while, looking into threating e-mails which general petraeus' mistress sent to this woman, we are told she a long-term family friend of general petraeus. the f.b.i. confronted general petraeus about affair some time
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in the last six weeks and, now, lawmakers of congressional intelligence committees will hold meetings on why they didn't get word the moment general petraeus' name up up. he was set to testify on the attack in benghazi and now the acting c.i.a. director is set to take his place. still, some lawmakers say they want to hear from general petraeus himself and they may call him to the stand. catherine is live this afternoon in washington, dc. there are few specific rules about notifying congress on an investigation like this. >>reporter: title 50 governs national security and defense with section 413 and 413 (a) dealing with notification issues and reads "to keep congressional intelligence committee full law and currently informed of all intelligence activists which are the responsibility of or engaged in by or carried out for or on behalf of any department agency or entitity of the united states government." sources tell fox that the second
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and final interview with birthday well was the friday before the election and this could be characterized as a personal matter a former justice department official under the bush administration said given the stakes, the c.i.a. director could be blackmailed notified was required. >> what makes the situation particularly significant is that you have someone who obviously was in one of the highest national security positions in the federal government, who conducted himself in ways to suppose himself to blackmail so it is a national security issue. that is why the f.b.i. and the justice department had an obligation to notify congress when the investigation was to a stage where general petraeus was implicated. members of congress say they will call general petraeus to testify or subpoena him for a subsequent hearing. >>shepard: regarding benghazi that was an issue for republican congressman but not the case now. >>reporter: fox was told the
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attorney general was aware of the f.b.i. investigation in late summer and former justice department f.b.i. investigators say consistent with title 50, the f.b.i. case agents report to their boss, the f.b.i. director who reports to attorney general holder who knew of the f.b.i. investigation in late summer and sat on it based on fox reporting there was no notification of the chair and ranking member of the house of representatives and senate intelligence that the director was the subject of an f.b.i. investigation. >> we received no advance notice. it was like a lightning bolt. i found out when i came to washington on thursday night, friday morning the director said there were a number of calls from press about this. >>reporter: that is key is that the notification issue, senator feinstein said, will be part of the investigation into benghazi. it is not just the security fails that led to benghazi but
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the failure to notify the relative haven't parties on capitol hill of both republicans and democrats. >>shepard: thank you from washington. with us now is the senior judicial analyst, who now also is the author of a new book and how two american presidents destroyed constitutional freedom. i don't really understand how this went from an affair through an e-mail to an investigation on this level. >>judge napolitano: i don't understand that, either, shep, and in order for the f.b.i. to be reading the e-mails of the chief spy of the united states, the director of the c.i.a., they would either need a search warrant from a federal judge and would have to demonstrate to him that yep general himself was possessing or was involved with, or possessing evidence of a crime or engaged in control activity or they would have to write their own search warrant under the patriot act and satisfy themselves the general was involved in terrorist activity. both of these is absurd.
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neither of them could form the basis for this. the only other way to watch the e-mail is to hack into a c.i.a. computer which would then be a crime so in any those three situations, the f.b.i. has a lot of explaining to do. what were f.b.i. agents doing monitoring the secret e-mails of the director of the c.i.a.? how is it that the c.i.a. didn't though about it in the f.b.i. surely knew about general petraeus personal behavior long before this. they knew about it when they investigated him and they did a background senator of him prior to his confirmation. they knew of the relationship with mrs. birthday -- mrs. broadwell then. so this is not being answered, and this is in view is just as troubling as senator feinstein's concern that the congress wasn't notified. it is troubling because there are laws that the f.b.i. has to
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follow, and general petraeus just because he is an adult terror does not lose his constitutional rights and he has the right to be protected from an unwarranted investigation by the f.b.i. >>shepard: a a lost -- a lot of elephants in the room. >>judge napolitano: f.b.i. and c.i.a. have been bitter rivals thins the c.i.a. was formed, the two most potent forces in the government outside military, but possessing lethal weapons, both frequently operate outside the law, until 2001 the f.b.i. was kept out of foreign issues and the c.i.a. was kept out of domestic issues. president george w. bush changed that when he compelled them to operate in each other's turf. we do not know if this is anything more than the f.b.i. poking itself both into the ribs of their long time rival, the c.i.a.
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>>shepard: that is one of the many possibilities and the other thing as part of the broader issue, general petraeus went over and conducted his own investigation on benghazi, presumably he has more information than many others but since he stepped down he doesn't have to testify for now. >>judge napolitano: worse than that. the murders in benghazi occurred september 11, three days later on september 14, general petraeus testified before both the house of representatives and the senate intelligence and he gave them the same version that ambassador rice would give two days later on september 16, and this is the reaction of innocent people to a youtube clip made in california. if he was going to testify next week as the c.i.a. director he would have been met with a mountain of evidence to contradict what he said under oath so this trigger could have been pulled to save him from perjury or to save the president from severe embarrassment. >>shepard: we have no
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information to suggest neither of those is right or the reasons such a thing before -- but it appears that could be the outcome. >>judge napolitano: we don't know. the first round of testimony was in secret and the second round of testimony was to be in secret but we know what was leaked from the first round, he called the events that resulted in the murder of four americans, a flash mob rather than a gang of people determined to invade the consulate. >>shepard: a lot of headache here. >>judge napolitano: more will come. there are a lot more pieses to the puzzle which our colleagues will fill in as the days progress. >>shepard: that is my guess. 80,000 homes and businesses in new york have gone two weeks without power after hurricane sandy down from 8.5 million customers across 21 state would lost service but those who spent two weeks in the dark, and trust me, the bitter cold, frustration
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is boiling over. >> they don't give a rat's tail about us. we pay our bills just like everyone else. >> how long does it take to get our heck terrorist back? elderly people live here, sick people, what does it take? someone to die from living in their house when it is so cold? we need help. we need power. towns have been more devastated than this and we want our power back. that is all we want. >>shepard: most of those without power in queens and on long island were yesterday hundreds came out in protest demand help and the long island power authority reports they hope to restore service by the end of tomorrow. jonathan hunt is live in queens. how are people handling this? >>jonathan: it is a struggle for these people who are desperately trying to rebuild. people like joe who owns this home, joe as you can tell from this statue, a retired
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firefighter, ironically, but this, the floods came first, then the fires, destroyed everything joe has had. he bought this house just in july, he was down in the pit here, the foundation early today, digging for a strongbox that held his and his families birth control. he has a 1960 and a 1966 pontiac, his pride and joy, both destroyed as you can see. but he wants to rebuilt like everyone else, they love this neighborhood. but they point out can you not rebuild without power and they still have in power. in the rockaway peninsula, 29,000 people still have in power. a lost downed lines. a lost danger involved obviously. the energy company say they doing what they can but it is just quite simply a long process. as we walk pat more of the downed power lines, i want to show you an image which reflects
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how people are coping here. it is neighbor helping neighbor and it has been like that since the day the storm hit. that is the remains of joe's neighbor's electronic wheelchair. she got herself to that point, she is paralyzed with m.s. as the water came up, neck highs she was on the top of that step and he got over here with members of his family and they put her on to a surfboard and got her out to safety in neck-deep water. >>shepard: incredible. as the days go by we learn so were more about this storm. we talk about queens and long island, staten island is a disaster, as well. more on that in a little while. the word "compromise" hasn't been used in washington, dc and lawmakers are indicating they are willing to compromise. but what is the definition of that word?
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well get the latest on the political fight next. the united states will become the world's largest oil producer the prediction from the most influential research organizations on energy. are we on our way, really, to energy independence? from jammin' jerk chicken, to creamy gouda bisque. see what's new from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>>shepard: washington, dc is gearing up for another showdown over the debt crisis and what they call the fiscal cliff. but that is a combination of spending cuts that will take effect at the same time tax cuts expire. that will happen at 1st of the year unless congress and the white house have a deal, something they failed to do before, analysts say the deadlock could send the united states into another recession. wendell his the white house is more open to compromise this time around. >>reporter: the door could be opening. speaker boehner could envision
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tax reform closing loopholes in a way that would increase revenue but the critics are skeptical. but conservative columnist bill kristol shocked the g.o.p. with this comment yesterday. >> it won't kill the country if we raise taxes on millionaires. it won't. i don't understand why republicans don't take obama's offer to freeze taxes for everyone below $250,000. >>reporter: he asked why the republican family should fall on its sword for a bunch of millionaires who live in hollywood and voted democrat anyway. >>shepard: what is the president doing differently? >>reporter: aside from promoting his over referendum he will meet with business and labor leaders tomorrow and wednesday at the white house before meeting with congressional leaders. instead of late-night twisting arms in the cabinet room as he tried last year, the president may do a couple of rallies
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outside the beltway to remind lawmaker how americans voted. >> tuesday we found out the majority of americans agree with my approach, democrats, independents, and some republicans. new we need a majority in congress to listen. >>reporter: republicans deny the election was a referendum or mandate for a tax increase. they note that the house of representatives didn't change hands and with less than two months before the fiscal cliff some senior republicans would rather give themselves more time than accept the deal they don't like. >>shepard: thank you. airline experts are warning the industry is about to run into a pilot shortage. they say it will mean fewer flights and fewer options as smaller regional airports k we avoid this or is it a done deal? details just ahead on flight worries. when we got married.
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i had three kids. and she became the full time mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isn't anything on the schedule. i honestly loved smoking,
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>>shepard: seems we need more airline pilots. and fast. according to the the "wall street journal," parent company of this network. reporting that the united states airlines could face the worst shortage of pilots in half a century. the "wall street journal" cites stricter federal rules taking effect forcely newly hired pilot to train longer, and the regulations came in response to the deadly 2009 crash of a passenger jet in buffalo, new york. that crash blamed on pilot error and a wave of retirements, with more than half of u.s. pilots are over the age 50. now the mandatory requirement able is 65. he says the industry will adjust but he adds that we about four years from a solution. but we are only six months away from a problem. trace is recovering this in the west coast newsroom.
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the rules are quite a bit stricter. >>trace: much stricter. you can be hired by regional carrier with 250 hours of flight time. in august that flight time goes up to 1,500 hours, six times as many hours. it is all about safety. the 2009 air crash that killed 50 near buffalo, the pilot failed five flight tests. entry level pilots only make about $20,000 a year and 1,500 hours could narrow the field. the regional carriers say it should not be about hours it should be about training. >> i think that what the f.a.a. has considered and hopefully will consider and do is look back at what the experts have told them, go back and actually take away the arbitrariness of it and go back to looking at quality of training for each individual pilot.
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>>trace: in august it is 1,500 hours but the f.a.a. admit those are considering revising the number of hours that are needed. >>shepard: how many pilots going to be needed in the next coming years? >>trace: well, they don't have exact numbers but i will put numbers on the screen. there are 96,000 commercial pilots in the united states. they will need 65,000 over the next eight years because of requirements and other things but the bottom number shows only 36,000 over the past eight years have actually passed the f.a.a. exam. but captain sullenberger says he thinks the pilot shortage thing is blown out of proportion just to lower pilot requirements. he says experience is key saying and i quote, "until they have were more time, probably several thousand more hours they haven't seen that many cycles of the year, thunderstorms in the summer, the ice and the snow in
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the winter" and he goes on to say it was experience that saved that plane that landed on the hudson. we should note that a lost u.s. pilots are being lured away by foreign airlines that tend to pay a lot higher salaries. >>shepard: thanks trace. and now, the chairman of the aviation consulting board, good to see you, mike. captain sully, is he right? is this overblown? >>guest: it could be the reality after the 2009 crash they overreacted. you want more experience in the cockpit so you really need to make the captain have more experience and monitor co-pilot entry stronger that way you do not close the door. i don't know anyone in their right mind who would become an airline pilot. the pay is terrible. the career path is bad, and the labor unions we work, the pilot unions are telling their kids do
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not become an airline pilot. >>shepard: i don't understand the 65 thing, either, this is 2012, 65 years old for most 65-year-olds that is not old, i call that experienced. >>guest: it is. they raised it from 60 to 65 which was a hot issue. but the reality is, the new regulations if you just want to start working for a small outfit it is another $250,000 in training to get a job at $1,700 and live in newark. they should have made the captain have more experience and guide co-pilots stronger and we could take care of this. right now they are closing the door to new entrants. >>shepard: will this cause a shortage of flights? >>guest: it will change things. it adds to other things. with or without this, there isn't much of a career path. you get a job with a regional airline and the go chance is you will never get beyond that and
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age 65 you are flying a accident-seat airline into lubbock, not into tokyo. >>shepard: all right, continuing coverage of the scandal that brought down the head of the c.i.a. is coming and new details on the mistress and what she may have known about state secrets. that is ahead. ♪
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>>shepard: this is ""studiostud" and the mistress of general petraeus may have known of classified information and spilled the secrets in public the claim that now is being voted after a speech she gave last month. however, the c.i.a. reports that the mistress didn't have all the facts. general petraeus resigned on friday after an attack with the biographer and spoke to an audience at the university of denver of the deadly conflict in benghazi and told the crowd something of the attack that had never before been seen in public. >> i don't know if you heard this but the annex had taken a couple of libyan militia members prisoner and they think the
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attack was an effort to try to get the prisoners back so that is still being vetted. >> she is implying the attackers' motivation was to free libyan prisoners from the c.i.a. outpost, something the c.i.a. officials had strongly denied saying, any suggestion the agency is still in the detention business is uninformed and baseless. but when the suggestion is coming from the woman, who had a secret relationship with the c.i.a. top guy, it does raise questions about what information classified information, she may have or not known. and now this news from jennifer. that speech in denver, jennifer, is raising eyebrows. >>reporter: that is right. the f.b.i. says that their investigation does not find any national security information was breached but serious questions about whether broadwell may have had access to information on the benghazi investigation because of her
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relationship with david petraeus is being questioned at this time. at this speech in denver she says that a reason for the attack on the consulate may have been the prisoners, she says that is still being vetted and the question is being vetted by who? the c.i.a.? that wasn't in any of the official c.i.a. timelines. the implication is that the attack on the consulate may have been a strategic against the larger c.i.a. operation in benghazi which involved holding and interrogating prisoners at the annex. >>shepard: i understand there is more information about what was going on at the c.i.a. annex if benghazi? >>reporter: october 26 we learned members of the c.i.a. annex team captured three libyan prisoners who they handed over to the libyan authorities when they fled benghazi. we never knew what happened to the libyan prisoners. or who they were. sources now tell fox that those three prisoners may have been
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held for a few days prior to the attack at the annex and the c.i.a. denies this. but a separate well placed force in washington confirms to fox that libyan men being held at the annex may be a possible motive for the staged attack on the annex and consulate which was a diplomatic facility we now know in name only. ship thank you, the storm that destroyed parts of the coastal new york and new jersey and, really, banged up a lot of connecticut, as well, is where 100 people have died and of the 43 who died in new york city alone, half were on staten island. the secretary of housing, rather , homeland security, janet napolitano visited yesterday. despite the progress this is much to be done. and now, live on staten island this afternoon, and the housing secretary says the housing is the biggest priority, period. >>reporter: absolutely. this is the type of damage done
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by that storm surge, the electrical ruined of the home, the boilers, everything that makes a house a home. having lights or power on is destroys. people have been forced to seek shelter to stay with relatives or find community housing the city helped to set up and 17,000 folks have applied to fema and are waiting for word hoping to find out how much money they will have and what they can to do rebuild. >>shepard: some have gotten money and they were glad to get that. big picture, molly, how are people coping? >>guest: it is tough. there is a story in every house and we are in one of the homes. this is faith, and this has been tough. how are you coping? >>guest: well, each day a little bitter. each day a little better. it is frustrating. we finally got electric on friday at 4:00 but we have to give credit to all that has been done around here and that it is to the sanitation workers and,
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also, to the workers of the community that pulled together and brought us all supplies. if not for them we would have nothing because all the other red cross, they came two or three days ago here to this community. so it is frustrating but day-by-day we are getting better. >>reporter: thank you for sharing your story, faith. we hear despite the fact she is standing in her home that is gutted, it is gratitude. she has so much gratitude for the community that came tout help and so much more to do. >>shepard: a whole lot. thank you. volunteers from the city at the center of the worst national disaster in u.s. history have arrived to help victims of super storm sandy coming on "train of home" with gifts. more than five tons of food, clothing, blanketses and other supplies, dozens of volunteers board add train in new orleans, traveled some 1,300 miles to the
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disaster area in new york and new jersey. these are people would went through hurricane katrina back in five 25 and hurricane isaac early this year and they say folks from across the country helped them. this is a way of paying it forward. two of volunteers are here with us. kim is with us from louisiana, and donna, is here, as well, just a few minutes away from slidell. >>shepard: this is the north shore of lake pontchartrain which got, hurricane isaac, i don't know how many noticed it happened we were down there when it happened and we have pictures and it flooded these towns. this is slidell, louisiana, people trying to get out of their neighbors and they know what folks are going through but for the cold part. how do you get this together? >> about midnight last thursday
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i got a call from donna and she said, are you watching the news? we have to do something to help the people. having been through the hurricanes ourselves, we knew we had an instant connection and we wanted to reach out and help them like so many helped us. >>shepard: how did you get a trainload of stuff together? >> it was an interesting process. we immediately reached out to senator vitter's office and he was able to put us in touch with the right folks at amtrak and they jumped on board quickly and we were able to get it together, mobilized our community to start accepting donations and we were overwhelmed by the generosity of the north shore residents. >>shepard: how did you get a sense for what it was that people here needed? >>guest: we were working with officials here because one thing we realized after katrina people were reaching out to us and shipping stuff, but if you don't have someone on the receiving end to orchestrate the delivery and the storage and delivering the supplies it doesn't do you
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any good. donna reached out to the people up here and dealing with a councilman who was fabulous orchestrating a smooth delivery, and that was key to the success of this operation. >>shepard: and hoboken is across the hudson river from midtown manhattan, one square mile town that flooded. it is incredible what happened. >>guest: it was amazing all of the flooding they had and those were the images we saw. i have a friend that lives there and i reached out to her and said can you help us we want to send relief supplies and they helped us immediately. the response was amazing. >>shepard: and then you headed to new york. >>guest: we did to staten island to serve food and fellows from louisiana were there serving special gumbo and all the first responders and the people down there gutting their houses and we knew how important
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that was when we were in the same situation what a hot meal, what a difference it can make so it was wonderful to be on the giving end. >>shepard: you have lives and responsibilities at home. how do you drop your lives? >>guest: we knew how important it was and we had to do something so thankfully my -- the agency i work for, they helped. our office basically turned into a shipping warehouse packing up donations and i told my husband and my two kids i will be gone for a few days and they supported us and i know kim's family, did, as well. >>shepard: and you live in a county down there we hear about that parish one more time on the north shore. the folks, if you helped out during katrina or isaac and you wondered, highway are they doing, well, they are doing what you did. mighty good of you guys, kim and donna.
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>> if you want to help, it is very easy. go to our website and there are links. any kind of way you want to help, with money or stuff. they really need the money. and smiles. thank you. >> syria's civil war has spilled into turkey and lebanon and israel is getting dragged into the conflict and maybe it is just for a moment. but you know how the middle east goes, the death toll is growing all the while. [ female announcer ] a classic meatloaf recipe from stouffer's
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starts with ground beef, unions, and peppers baked in a ketchup glaze with savory gravy and mashed russet potatoes. what makes stouffer's meatloaf best of all? that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. let's fix dinner. >>shepard: for a second straight day the crisis in syria triggered an attack from israel and this time the hit was direct. yesterday, israel's military reported they fired a "warning shot" into syria after a shell from the syrian civil war struck an israeli military post. that was the first time israel had fired at syria in four decades today sources report that more stray mortar shells
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came so israeli soldiers say though fired back and hit a syrian army vehicle. the israeli soldiers were stationed along the border with syria. sources say the shooting wounded some syrians, but we are not clear how many, and the top israeli official reportedly says that he hopes syria gets the message this time. and now, leland just got back from the border from syria. >>reporter: it is very tense look that border right now. this kind of thing has not happened since the 1973 yom kippur war and from our point the sight and sound of war were at hand. lights you see are the syrian villages two miles from the israeli observation point on the border with syria. from this point we can see the civil war raging inside the villages with heavy machine guns
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and artillery pounding away and one border ended up on this side of the israeli boarder and that is what had the israelis fire back into syria scoring a direct hit and the israelis have their taverns on high alert patrolling the border down the hill from where we are right now. the big fear for the israelis is the humanitarian crisis, rest gentlemans are coming across the border like they are in turkey and this is what they would end up finding, the large minefields and you can see the wire beyond that, and beyond that is no man's land. also, jihadist, they have gotten weapons and training snowed syria, and they are coming to launch an attack on the jewish state and that is why there are israeli soldiers, now, manning observation posts in a way they have not in a very long time. with nightfall the guns lay largely quiet but this has been an increasingly strong level of
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rhetoric from the israelis about houston attacks by the syrians and as you know in this part of the world, the line between a war of words and a war with actual bullets is thin. >>shepard: thank you from jerusalem. now bringing in an expert on the middle east, the managing director of the washington institute and former senior director from the national security council. michael, you hate to see this happening. >>guest: you do and in a way we will not necessarily see more of this. it seems what israel is trying to do is establish deterrence by ensuring that any stray shells that come into israel get a response and that deters anyone inside syria, whether it is the army or whether it is jihadists or anyone else from thinking they can preach this border. >>shepard: regional savings is something we have been concerned
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about for a year. >>guest: we have and we have seen it happening, we have seen attacks from syria into turkey, attacks from syria into lebanon, and, now, like we did toward the beginning of this conflict we are seeing israel get involved here, as well and this should be very concerning to the u.s. government because as we have sat on the side lines this has had a spill over effect in the region and could spark a broader conflict. >>shepard: i read over the weekend that the opposition forces, those opposed to the government in bashar al-assad have signed an agreement to get together and maybe work together in a more organized way, is there anything to that that might help? >>guest: it remains to be seen. they have signed an agreement to get together and now the head of the new body is campaigning to be recognized as the head of the government in waiting. we have seen this, before, before what has happened is the coalitions have fall were apart, because of infighting, but if this could hold together, it is one of the key things which could break this stalemate that we are seeing in syria but there
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is a lot more to be done. >>shepard: the president bashar al-assad promises he is not going anywhere. michael sing, thank you very much, appreciate it. all right a homeowner says he might know what caused the deadly blast that rocked an entire neighborhood. next the investigation now focusing on the text message that man received before the house blew up. you have heard of this story? we have context and perspective ahead. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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>>shepard: the investigation into a mysterious blast that ripped through a neighborhood in indianapolis is now focusing on a furnace and a text message a homeowner received. the explosion happened on saturday night. it destroyed or damaged dozens
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of homes and left two people dead. the neighbors had no warning at all, no small of guess or sign of trouble. >> it woke me up and it was just shaking and i saw it was crumbling. >> whens and frames and everything came in through the house and my wife started screaming and i didn't know what was going on. >> the owner of a destroyed homes say me might know what caused this. his daughter sent him a message before the blast saying something was wrong with the furnace. >> and now the news live. mike we are hearing something from the gas company? >> the gas company is saying they never got a call. they said anyone in the neighborhood had complained about spelling any gas and? anyone had they did not call into the gas company but you mentioned the co-owner of the house that is at the center of this massive explosion and he
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said he received text messages from his daughter saying this was a problem with the furnace and he, the daughter, and his ex-wife were going to leave the house, that is why no one was in the house at the time of the explosion. all of this being said, investigators are not pointing to the furnace but are checking everything from the possible of a leaking pipe to whatever caused the blast. right now officially the cause of the blast is still a mystery. >>shepard: the gas company i have read now has said they didn't know anything about this furnace. >>guest: that is exactly what they are saying, they never got a call on the furnace or that anyone in the neighborhood smelled anything. so, that is why we are still back at this source that no one ever heard anything or no one got a call and it is a mystery the but one thing to point to, the home was on the market and it was for sole for a year and it case taken off the market last march. so, there are a lot of things to look into. >>shepard: including they felt this for miles away.
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mike, thank you from chicago. two sailors say their yacht rolled over and slowly starting sinking in the ocean and there was no help in sight and suddenly a cargo crew spotted them nearly two days later. the video of the rescue is incredible. hang on. [ forsythe ] we don't just come up here for the view up in alaska.
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just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. this reduced sodium soup says it mahelp lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just he to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. >>shepard: the united states is set to be the top oil producer in the next few years, with the oil production in the united states jumping to 10 million barrel as day in the next couple of years, which means the united states over takes saudi arabia and russia as the top producer. the agency predicts that saudi arabia will catch up, but by that point, the report forecasts that the united states will export more oil than it takes in by the year 2030. a couple who spent two days
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stranded in the south pacific are safe today after a dramatic rescue. bad weather damaged their yacht off the coast of new zealand. they didn't have a satellite phone. they activated an emergency beacon and rescue crews were able to find them. but it took forever from their perspective. by then the boat was taking on water, and the both had head injuries because of the strong wind and 30' waves. the sailors are doing fine and they say they are very grateful. >> before we want it up a theater director in spain found a way around new tax hikes. the lawmakers raised the highest sales tax rate for 21 percent and theater tickets fall under that so theaters are wanted that will put them out of business. so the boss is selling carrots at $16 each, taxed at the lowest


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